Applying the RDF iCalendar schema to recurring weekly schedule events

$Id: iCal-proposal.html,v 1.3 2003/02/11 14:17:51 graham Exp $  

(This information has been prepared jointly by Ronan Klyne and myself.)

The work so far

The existing schema at defines the following classes and properties:

Not defined, but present (with different spelling) in the hybrid schema are:

There is nothing in the new schema to relate a Vcalendar to a Vevent (ala VEVENT-PROP in the hybrid schema).

There is nothing in the new schema to represent a time without a date.

Our proposal

We propose to use:

Vtimeentry - superclass for all date and/or time values

The sample data Users.n3 uses the following ical vocabulary (look to the end of the file for schedule details):

In keeping with the original hybrid scheme data, this test data uses rdf:value to designate date/time literal strings. Is this a good idea, givem the semantic uncertainty surrounding this property?

Revision history

$Log: iCal-proposal.html,v $
Revision 1.3  2003/02/11 14:17:51  graham
Add links to hybrid schema.

Revision 1.2  2003/02/11 14:12:01  graham
Note that calendar related data is at the end of Users.n3

Revision 1.1  2003/02/11 14:04:01  graham
Add calendaring notes
Add updated iCalendar schema proposals

For feedback please see: <>
$Id: iCal-proposal.html,v 1.3 2003/02/11 14:17:51 graham Exp $